Sunday, June 1, 2014

Sunday sun and athletic talk.

Today my mom and I spent the day together we woke up early went for a good run/ walk talked about life and how everything is changing in our lives  now and plans for our future. It was eventful to be honest a bond that was for sure needed today considering I don't see my mom much because our work schedules conflict and she was also gone for a few days to Vegas.  We then went out in hope to find me some shorts but real talk everything is way way to pricey. Instead my mom over loaded on workout clothes and called it a day. Is there such thing as to many work out clothes ?! Because I'm pretty sure I have an addiction to sports bras,  yoga pants and running shorts.

anyways to sum up this lovely day I spent it outside soaking in the sun with my mom had some sangria which then ended my night at Boston pizza with my work friends for a lovely dinner and good one on one chats. Gosh I love the people I work with. It was a very eventful and great day off. This weather is being fabulous to us , lets keep it forever :)

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