Friday, February 14, 2014

Cupids day of work.

Happy Valentine's day everyone.

This fine evening I am working so no chocolates and romantic loving for me but then again I have romantic moments all the time with my man, he keeps the flame burning in the relationship haha.. anyways this year I made the choice to skip this holiday, why you may be thinking and my answer is because Valentine's day to me is a day of pressure and money grabs.  people  stress themselves out to find the perfect gift on this holiday of love.  Valentine's day is a day you should be showing extra love for those you care about but I think it should be shown in your own creative ways not in ways that money can buy. I'm not saying I don't like the holiday I have no Problem with it but let me say skipping this holiday has relieved a lot of stress for me and my man. Even though I know he is feeling horrible and miserable for skipping it and he is thinking  that I'm "being a girl" saying I don't want the holiday and then secretly I do hahah.. he told me this last night and I laughed pretty dang hard at the thought of how confused his face may look, goes to show how society makes us women look don't ya think :)

Anyways I told farshad this year I'd rather just spend time eating in with a few movies and popcorn that would make me one happy lady because it's the time I get with my valentine that makes my day not the chocolates and flowers. Let me say this before you all go hating on my ideal Valentine's day I am sticking to some sort of tradition of this holiday. Farshad  and I chose to exchange letters as our gifts to eachother, intimate cheesy and loving letters and I cannot wait to read his letter and present him with mine.

Today is a day to show extra love to the ones you love family, friends and to your other half's. So show the love today in your own special way because it will make someone one happy person!

Put cupid to work ;)

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