Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Life with the oppisite sex.

Living with the opposite sex also known as my life companion is an adventure, actually its a journey with many obsitcles fun ones non the less but also a learning experience. Before we moved in together I had many people saying to me you truly know if you can be with this specific person for the rest of your life after living under one roof, or get ready for long fights and finding out habits about that person that make you itch, Thank you people for the kind words of advice haha. I guess living with someone is never easy, first because  we all like our own privacy and we all have habits that may not mesh with that other person. Respect and patience is a huge quality you must gain once living with your other half, I have learned that especially because I am very much so a clean freak and I have a minor contorling quality ... Okay more then minor but it's just because I like things done a certain way,but when you live with someone you learn to compromise, share opinions, habits and one queen size bed. Space is no longer an option when living in a condo but its not as bad as it sounds. I enjoy sharing my space with the one man I care for and I enjoy seeing those funny habits of his, I won't expose them on here don't worry my lips are sealed.

For those who say living under one roof is really how you know if this life is right for you is right completely but we really need to voice that in a more positive way as appose to a "run before its to late" kind of tone. In my twenties and living alone with my other half is a lot more then I thought it would be, I never imagined I'd be were I am today at my age but I am. I look forward to coming home to my own space, I look forward to having my best friend always there waiting to hear how my day went and the cherry on top is I have my own personal chef ... Well depending who's home first but it happens. Living with someone isn't as bad as many make it seem, sure you lose privacy and your "me" time but at least you know you have met this one person out of 1000000000 people to live with and share you space with. Isn't that crazy we all grow in this world to find that one person to spend our life with and its an on going journey but when you find that person you never want to let them go.. Like food :)

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