Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Read between the lines.

Woke up today ready to kick the worlds rear end, in a motivational way of course. Lately I've been pretty down on myself weight wise and about my own life. I preach a lot to others on how they should love themselves and better themselves if they find they are not happy but I find it a lot harder to take my own advice. Ever have those day were you feel supperiror and that you can concour the world? And then people just sweep on in telling you things that hurt your feelings. Well I felt great at one point thinking I lost more weight and I was feeling great but I had people tell me I have gained and that I got comfortable. I guess I needed that kick in the butt to realize I have gotten comfortable with my body and that I needed to maintain my weight or it was something better left unsaid.

Today though for some glorious reason my mind and body woke up happier then ever and ready to get back in motion, women always compare and always critic themselves but the thing is we need to love ourselves for what we are and who we are as women we are a beautiful thing. We are blessed to have the powers that we do and we should show off those powers and work hard for happiness and love. It's easy to preach to others on how they should love themselves but loving your self the battle is real and its real hard because we always want what we can't have. In this case I'm loving what I can have and I will have because I will work hard enough to make myself happy and greatful for my accomplishments. No one has ever said living life is easy and for those who say life is to short it's not really it's just a saying telling you to get off your behind live the life you want and quit bitching about how much you dislike your life and self. So that's why I'm doing I'm quiting the bitching I'm standing up for myself whether or not people think I've gained weight or not I am living my life for me and fighting for my happiness.

So read between the lines.. Litterly! My life and I am living it all with my rules.
You can cheer me on or you can watch me fail but at least I'm trying.

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