Sunday, August 31, 2014

Think happy Be happy.

Just a few days ago I bought myself a book called The Secret, which may I add is a very inspirational and positive book. My friend Kathy has been reading it for a few days now and has been the most positive happiest she has ever been. Kathy and I always talk about bettering ourselves as woman and how to make our outlooks on our lives a lot more infulentual and happier. So she recommeneded that I read this book and it will help me get a jump start on my positive new life.

This book does just that I have been reading it for three days now and I have found myself a lot more happier and positive, its more of a mind over matter type of look on the world. It says if you want happiness and positive energy start being more positive and think you can and you will accomplish things as suppose to saying I can't, I don't want or I will not. It does take time to get into and trust me I'm still struggling and finding I do have my split second moods when I let my negative Nancy come out, but that's when I shut my eyes breathe and let the positive Patricia in new shine and say I can do it and I will do it and I am what makes myself a better person as a woman. I make my life what it is, I am the reason for all my surroundings. Since I have been the positive patty lately I have found my moods and mind a lot more humble and care free, its a great freedom experience.

If your looking for a push to the right path I really suggest reading this book it really is a breath of fresh air.

Stay humble and positive ❤

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