Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Life lately

Its been awhile don't you think?

I apologize for being under a rock these last few weeks, I swear I have been meaning to write but juggling school, work and a boyfriend is a lot of work. I tell myself everyday if a mother with kids and a husband can do all of this I sure and heck can do it to. Which leads me down this motivational path of kicking life's behind and being sure I am on top of my game when it comes to juggling all three things. I may not be motivated everyday to get my foot in gear but I can still say that I am trying my very hardest.

So life lately has kicked me in the throat, I mean this quite literally. For the past few weeks I had an annoying cough that had me sick as a dog. It really threw me off of my superwoman taking over the world game. I am still in a bit of a slum when it comes to my health but I am trying oh so very hard to get my feet back onto the floor and walking in the direction of kicking butt.

When it comes to school I am quit surprised my program. I have finally found the yellow brick road in my life. Assignments are piling high and tests are coming hot and fresh. Not sure whether I should be running or hiding but I am going in with a hammer. With lack of sleep, lack of nutrition and not any time for myself  I am breathing and feeling accomplished every essay and assignment complete. I think I deserve a pat on the back wouldn't you say? Right now it is 4 am while the world is sleeping getting ready for their work day I am wide awake doing assignments and preparing for my day to be sure I am on top of my school work. I have come to a conclusion that if I got paid for the amount of time I actually study, do assignments and clean my house I would be a millionaire.. now wouldn't that be the life?

Anyways I should get back to my lovely pile of assignments, Happy Tuesday :)

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