Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Good read : relationships

Read me:

This link above has changed my whole out look on love, passion and relationships. I am a woman in a almost year long relationship who lives with her boyfriend and have my moments were I could just " kick his butt" for the days we argue or the days we fight. It's healthy though we all fight and for those who say they don't, give me a break.

This article had a saying that stuck with me " if you don't fight then your not really in love " ... not to say being inlove only means you fight but fighting is just a healthy thing in a relationship. When you fight it just means you Truely love one another to fight for eachother or display passion. Infatuation always comes first the stage of false hopes and the stage of winning one another over. Then comes the storm of passion and comfort. It's a beautiful thing really its the bump you either ride out or the bump that breaks you. Most are fortunate enough to ride it out and I am thankful and fortunate enough to have found that man who has guided me through those many bumps. Yes, most can judge my relationship of what they know  but at the end of the day what I have and feelings we share is passion, true love and support in one another. I wouldn't have it any other way because I know he has seen me at my worse and has accepted me at my best.

Relationships they are tricky things and come with many stages it's who you are with and if you walk towards those stages together and  follow through with them that matters most. Another quote stated " that person you are with because your verbal punching bag" I found this humorous because it's accurate. So many only share the good never the bad, because of fear of judgment which I understand. I am not supporting verbal or harmful relationships but healthy fighting is healthy and needed to keep a relationship strong. Many may disagree but I know for my relationship it has brought me more inlove and more passionate then ever before. I would never change it for the world.. plus who does love making up ;)

Love is love,passion is passion, fight for your love and passion.


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