Friday, February 27, 2015

Loving yourself

The struggle to love your insecurities and love yourself the way you are is something many struggle with. Heck! I struggle with it daily and I still have moment where I feel unpretty and I feel over weight. I see inspirational quotes everywhere and I hear inspirational voices being said, they change my mind for that while to believe that I am beautiful. They make mee feel in control of my views.
I am not saying it's only hard for woman to feel beautiful but for any gender really. We all want what other have and we all apeal to shiny beautiful things. Daily we log onto social media websites to feel connected, displayed are photoshopped/edited photos of people from all ofver the world. Media has killed the word beauty and defined it as something that can be made and edited as oppose to something someone feels internally.

I am not saying that it is all in the hands of social media but they do not help our mind sets. We as a team need to understand that we are worthy, we are beautiful and we define the real life of beauty. I am exhausted of feeling un worthy of my skin and insecure of my flaws. I am making it a priority to feel beautiful inside and see myself in the mirror as beautiful. Isn't it in order to show true beauty you need to feel it. Don't you need to love yourself before other can love you and don't you need to feel good to enjoy life. Isn't that what true beauty is ?

I'm sayin that as a team as one, I am making a stand to accept my flaws and be happy in my own skin and look back at my accomplishments not my struggles. To look at myself as my own person and myself as art in this world, I am different, I am me and that is what beauty is. Not an application to fade out my scars, my flaws or my identity.

But all in all do what makes you feel beautiful and strong.

Rant done.

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