Monday, December 30, 2013

Goodbye snake year, hello horse!

Another year ending and another chapter opening in our lives. For those of you go don't understand my title for this post, in the Chinese New Year it states that this year was the year of the snake which in my understand makes a lot of sense because this year was honestly snake like. They say that this year is the year of the horse, which calls for good things... Fingers crossed!! :) ... I don't know about you but I am one happy woman to say see you later 2013, you have been one heck of a year. This year hasn't been rainbows and sunshine a for me, it's been more like stormy roller coasters actually.. With perks of sunshine. This year I've met great people and have grown a close bond with amazing new and old friends. I have gained a triangle friendship with my lovely girls Kathy and Catina. I have said goodbyes to those who have passed and moved on into better places and now watch over me. I have also said see you later to close friends who have moved to different countries for good and some for school. I have also gained motivation and goal sets with myself in consern with my weight. Personally I have gained discipline and have learned a lot this year about myself and others. I now do know though that regardless of the teachings and struggles this year has brought  to me, I am glad to start a new fresh year. Call me crazy, for some odd reason I am feeling extra hopeful and cheerful about this new year that is coming to us in 24 hours to be exact. I don't know what it is about this 2014 number but I'm feeling lucky and joyful. positive thoughts leave to positive outcomes don't they? 

Anyways  in all honesty for anyone who knows me knows that I'm not much of a fan of New Years celebrations. I feel New Years is just a money grab and it is super over rated. It may be because I've never done anything extravagant and memorable to make it worth my time. This may be my reasoning to why I dislike this holiday but as for the 21 years of my life of celebrating it hasn't been a fabulous, extravagant, movie material fairy tale. 

This year I'm just going to my boyfriends friends get together which should be interesting considering I know no one, but hey I'm good with meeting new people. I consider myself friendly and outgoing, and pretty out and about in personality. But as for it being that movie kinda deal I doubt that very much. Ok okay with that though I'd rather open my new year with low expectations and happy thoughts surrounded with positive energy.

I wish everyone a happy and safe new year surrounded by positive energy and positive thoughts.

Ps I hear that you should wear blue or have blue objects surrounding you on New Years for a better 2014, kind of a good luck thing says the Chinese. I know I'm doing it, what's to lose. 

Happy New Years 

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