Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New year, New chapter!

The day has come it is officially 2014 the year of new beggings, new chapters, and new goals. I've always wondered why people make New Years resolutions?what makes this day so speacial to try to change something about your life and not make it possible any other day. I guess it's a trend or an old tail that carried on. This year I don't believe I've even thought of what I want to do as a resolution... Hmmm... Well I guess continuing with my  goals and determinations for this year will be it, my 21 resolution I made on my birthday.

As for my night I spent it with my lovely man and my friends sep and Sara we all went to one of farshad and seps friends place, who I just met yesterday, nice people. I didn't drink a drop of alcohol well that's a lie I had champagne for the 12:00 am " happy new year" chant, it wasn't a pleasant taste. Last night I found out that I'm getting old because it turned to 1:30 am and I was exhausted, hard worker or old? I'm assuming both, old folks is I and I am a granny in a 21 year olds body. New Years resolution start being more my age? attempting to act not so old, starting now! 

I hope everyone had a great new year celebration and that they keep their eyes on the prize of their chosen resolutions. I know I'll try! 

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