Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Until next year Saint Nick.

Well hello there, 

The season of Christmas carols , ginger bread , and eggnog has come to an end. I know I am sad about packing in all the colourful lights and the yummy smelling candles. I hope everyone had a great Christmas with all their loved ones and closest of friends. This Christmas this year was an interesting one for me, reason being is usually I spend it with my boyfriend as well as with my large family. This year though Mother Nature  wasn't to festive and caused distance to be a problem on this amazing holiday. All in all the Christmas spirit still carried threw in my home, far away from the city. turkey had me stuffed, drinks had me flowing and treats had me sugary all threw the midnight countdown. I don't know about you an your family but we usually stay up until midnight Christmas Eve and count down till midnight to open gifts, it's a fun tradition we have carried.

I hope Santa was good to all of you this year. Let's remember though what Christmas is really about, it's about being with your family and friends and enjoying the time you have together. Gifts are great and all but the food, the drink and the company is what should mean the most.

Happy holiday, and let the new year count down begin.

^^ yummy turkey with lovely wine. 

^^ my lovely mother, isn't she a gem.

^^^^ a tree, my tree, full of charactor you see :) 

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