Monday, December 23, 2013

Ice rink in Toronto, a beautiful mess.

This weekend has been a pleasant yet very interesting weekend. There was a bad ice storm which honestly looked gorgeous from inside, but I did not expect it to be as horrid as it turned out to be. Trees have been crushed to the grown, lights have went out, heat has been shut down, and accidents all over the streets of Toronto. I feel horrible for those affected by this storm and those who were outside while it happened. 

On the bright note though, the day after the storm it finally froze over and the rain stopped, but we have yet to get cable or internet back. Farshad (my boyfriend) and I took a stroll on our day together just him and I to see the damage and lord was there damage. While taking our stroll it was rather humerus on how many people I saw taking photos with their phones and cameras of the ice falling over on the beautiful trees. Yes, I did as well obviously. It was a great weekend needless to say I had time to sit with farshad and talk one on one and watch his favourite show " how to make it in America" which I must say is a fabulous show, I'm hooked. We stayed up until 2 am talking and laughing it was a great time, and good bonding moment.

Now to the good stuff, Our Christmas to our selves was a great one he got me a Polaroid camera, head phones, stuff to hang my Polaroid photos, a mug with a G on it for my name and a travel tea mug. My man knows the way to my heart. I got him lakers tickets, and a whole wack of stocking stuffers, Which was a hit after a few hours of it sinking in. I'm happy for the Christmas I had with him it brought us closer as a couple as well as made us greatful for what we have. 

I hope everyone had a great weeken and that you all have a safe and amazing Christmas with your closest of friends and family. 

^^^ the beautiful yet deadly storm in out lovely city. 

^^^ my new bestfriend, I am so excited to capture beautiful moments.

^^^^ and this is the man I speak so highly of, isn't he a stud? 

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