Thursday, December 12, 2013

No Negative Nancy here.

Out with the old and in with the new, change is good and I'm feeling all the goodness of this change I am doing for the new year that is coming oh so very soon. I am proud to say that I have found a new job in the retail world and have given my two weeks notice to my current employers. Although I will miss the people that I work with now, I do feel as though weight has been lifted off of my shoulders and I can breathe with a clear mind now. I have yet to think any negative thoughts towards my changes that I have made, even if those I have told or found out keep telling me " hopefully you don't regret it" .. Shocking to most but this time I feel as though I have made the best decision in my financial life to find a new job with seeking opportunities. No negative nancy here at this moment, only positive vibes. I have learned in life you either make good or bad choices but in realty you will never know if it is a good or bad choice unless you make the plunge to make that choice. If you fall, you fall, if you fail,you fail, but you will learn and with that lesson you will make another choice and learn. My choice is to follow my needs and wants and dreams. I am going to love my new job and work my butt of to make it worth the choice I have made. 

Today when I had gave my two weeks, my good friend Nivala who works with me has surprised me with such an uplifting and reassuring card. she showed me what true support meant and I am honestly grateful to have that support from a fellow team member as well as a new friend in which I plan to keep with me through out my life journeys. 

 They say when life gives you lemons you make lemonde. I say when life gives you lemons you make an alcoholic beverage and have fun with it... Soo cheers to jumping into new life decisions and hoping for a great out come. 

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