Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Two weeks and a hot chocolate away.

I am proud to say that I have officially finished all my wrapping and buying for this years Christmas holidays! originally I had bought everything in November because let's face it no one likes the retail world in December. Especially being someone who works retail it isn't the best place to be. Sadly enough though I had a few more nick nacks to buy for my boyfriend, only because this year we had decided to have stockings for one another. We have been planning traditions for our new chapter in our lives and stockings for Christmas is one of them. This year I have went all out on him considering every birthday, Christmas and valentines day he always does for me. But I can guarantee that this year I think I truly out did all his gifts, That's exactly how good my idea is I feel. I cannot wait to give him his gift keeping it a secret is killing me, I love surprises but holding surprises in like this make me want to burst that much more, especially when you know the person so well and how they will react. Well I'll stop ranting about it because my lovely boyfriend is probably reading this and knowing me I'll slip up and tell the bloggers world what the gift is. Stay tuned after Christmas and you will find out what this awesome gift is. 

on a further note following my Christmas lovinga and traditions, today I have made a ginger bread house with my little sister. It was a great time full of candy, icing, festive music and laughter but also a lot of waiting. Reason for the waiting is my sister is a perfectionist and me I am at way but I also like to have fun and just kraft, two perfectionist and one ginger bread house calls for war. But all in all it was a fun bonding experience, I love me some ginger bread and I cannot wait to eat this house. But I have always wondered when is the appropriate time to eat a ginger bread master piece? After you have spent hours putting it up how long until you can just eat it, I'm hoping soon because now that it's done it looks too delicious to just sit and admire. 

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