Friday, January 3, 2014

Back to basics.

So remember how in my previous blog I said I didn't have a New Years resolution? Well I have been thinking , it's not much of a resolution just for the new year but rather for myself. I have made a pact with myself to get back into my healthy ways because for the last few months I have really slacked on the determination and motivation I once had. I have found that since I have gone back to eating unhealthy food I have lost confidence and always feel sluggish. It's really a unflattering and horrid feeling to feel everyday, I miss feeling happy with myself and impressed with my out comes and accomplishments. so my pact\ New Years resolution for life will be to eat clean and stay active. 

I also want to add on that I have read my lovely friend blog  and she has impaired me to make a word to sum up my new year. Something that she had read on one of our favourite bloggers blogs, she chose happiness. Which I find exhilarating and fresh. So Kathy I Stand you to it and I shall follow that same foot step but I will be adding my word as MOTIVATION. Motivation to be the best that I can be as a person, a girlfriend, a friend as well as an individual with myself. So hurray to changes and the word of the year. Motivation is key to success.

1 comment:

  1. Darling, this is awesome! I am so proud of you. I can promise you that as soon as I get home I will also be striving to eat better and exercise more! You are one of my biggest motivation inspiration. Last year, you did so well and I am SO glad you're getting back to it! I'll always be here to motivate you. Girl, you got this! Xoxo
