Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Friends are what keeps a girl sane.

Today was my day off from my oh so busy life of saving money for school. It was a glorious day full of relaxation, working out and calling schools to confirm my application process... ( yawn) 

I was counting down the minutes today for 2 o'clock to hit, why you ask?! Because this gal here was driving to WOODSTOCK! I've never been to this lovely town before, but now I'll be there hopefully once a week. what's in Woodstock you may ask well bestfriend has moved down there. In some cases yes it does have some downs because she is far but nothing a car cants get to, plus I can live with it because I know she is now finally living with her awesome boyfriend, which needles to say makes her head over heals hunky dory. So as a good friend that I am :) I am more then happy for her and her accomplishments in her relationship. 

Anywho so since I've been in such low lands these past few days today was exactly what I needed..  I really needed girl talk , a best friend to vent to, and to laugh with. Never fails that I can really count on Kathy to crack a smile on my face as well as put me in my place when I'm in my funky moods. I think every girl out there really needs those close friends to talk to when they are down, it's what keeps us sane and level headed. Men if you want your girl happy let her have girl time and you will live one happy life, advice from me to you.  Not to say our amazing boyfriends don't do that already but relationships with friends and boyfriends are like PB and J they are amazing together but sometimes you just want to have one with out the other, understand?

All in all... 

I had a fabulous time, I feel back to my level headed self. Nothing a good girl talk and some tea couldn't fix. 

Thank you Kathy for keeping me sane, my crazy crazy friend. 

My girl makes a mean dinner ^^^

^^^^  meet Kathy my old lady friend^^

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