Friday, March 28, 2014

Blood sweat and tears come a long way.

Well this blog is going to be a long one so embrace yourself for tears possibly and a lot of self reflection.  A young girl came into my work today looking for a graduation dress and she was very pretty but lacked a lot of confidence and I could tell she was not happy with her appearance, her mother took down so many dresses for her and made her try it on and the girl was not feeling it she had a mental break down and was in verge of tears and honestly my heart melted knowing this poor girl doesn't realize how pretty she is.. so I cut in and spoke to her and told her that she shouldn't cry and be upset she needs to love her self and respect her self and her body type. She kept freaking out saying she wasn't beautiful all her friends are thing and gorgeous.. it was draining! I went and picked out a few dresses told her every dress fits different it's not you its the clothes and realistically now a days it really is .. I know it Sucks seeing thay you fit a larger size then usual but come on every store and place makes things differently I know when I walk into stores I'm either a large or a small and I'm not over exaggerating,I promise! The girl continued to bash her self and I had enough of it and the negativity so I asked the mom permission to show her a photo of me and my transformation and I know it may not be much to some but it's jaw dropping to me, I continue to think wow I can't believe I looked like that and now look the way I do, mind blown( sorry if i sound like a broken record but I am very proud)so I ran grabbed my phone and showed the girl and told her before this I was heavier I lacked a lot of confidence I hated myself, I cried everyday and compared myself to every friend and person I know wishing I was them but crying and yelling doesn't get you happy nor will it make you any thinner if you don't like something it's up to you to take the time to change it. She looked at me and smiled and was in shock and said thank you, you really helped me and you are so cool I just want to take a photo with you... even her mom thanked me and I was so happy not because It was a boost for myself but because this girl hopefully will walk away loving herself and wanting to change for the better to make herself happy. Hearing young girls talk about themselves this way really upsets me because people don't see the potential they have in making changes and becoming what they want wether it's body type or in life.. If you want it bad enough work for it! I know it Sucks and it's blood ,sweat  and tears but in the end you can look back and say oh goodness I DID IT!!! I'm here and I proved to myself that I am capable of this new life.

People need to stop hoping for change and comparing themselves but rather then work for it and make it happen , hearing that girl talk so much negativity about herself just broke my heart.. but helping her and seeing her smile just made me feel that much more happier and motivated to keep on going with my journey. 

P's when I say if you don't like something then change I don't mean to do it in a way it will effect your health and life I mean to do it a way it will make you happy and better yourself as a person don't do it for the wrong reasons do it for yourself and your well being.

Love yourself and others will love you just as much. :) happy Friday !!

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