Friday, March 14, 2014

It's the vitamin D I swear.

t seem past few days I have been feeling less then greatful an:) !!happy with myself and this weather.  I'm assuming that's exactly what everyone feels because it has been nothing but snow and snow and more snow. I think they call it winter depression and I honestly belive it's the truth.  Is it just me or does it feel as though this has been the longest winter ever? Today I woke up with a smile on my face and honey my confidence was in the right gear today!!!

I looked at my last year beach bum photos and was not impressed at all... I actually  took bathing suit photos of my body now ( as in today) and comapired them and man oh man did I feel good... I'm feeling hopeful and motivated as I once did to fight for my goals this year, I'm aiming for that healthy fit type of life and I'm on the right track, for sure. I have found that loving yourself does affect your whole environment and your mood. I'm feeling fabulous and I am wanting to show the world :) ( insert cheesy Disney song here)... I am more then excited that the sun is shinning and that it's warm enough to wear a spring coat, yup you heard it hear the polar bears are gone hibernating and the birds are coming out.. well I wouldn't take it that far but I didn't have to shovel snow off my car today .... that calls for an applause, don't you think? Anyways my friends I hope you all enjoy a fabulous sunny Friday and stay happy and motivated! Spring is coming :)

may  not be a huge difference to you but its pretty big to me :)

1 comment:

  1. you're looking so amazing!! I am SO proud of you! All your hard work is def paying off! :) xoxo
