Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Love yourself always

This post is a post to help myself as well to maybe help my fellow bloggers and readers to strive for their goals and have hope in them selves.

I want to share my journey with you guys when it comes to my weight and my appearance. . I have struggled with weight my whole 21 years of living I have been called every name in the book by friends, strangers and family members I know it's hard to believe considering you'd hope those close to yiu would love you for you but nope I've been told that I was to chunky, I look pregnant and I have been compared to others. I have stretch marks from A to B since I was 10 years old and I have only just recently accepted them and realized it is a form of beauty and it's what I was given so flaunt them.

I just recently jumped on this whole living life to the fullest and caring about my body and realizing that caring for your body does come a long way. I decided to start about a year ago when I was called some nasty things by someone very close to me now.. but in all honesty I'm thankful for it because it somewhat gave me a push to realize as well better who I am. I know it's not right to change for others and believe me I'm not I'm changing for me and for the fact to be healthy and Comfortable in my own skin but that really did give me a good kick in the tooshy. I was tired of feeling sorry for myself and comparing myself to others.. When I should have been loving myself so I took the plunge and decide enough is enough it's my turn to shine and to love myself for who I am.

I started off as working out a lot illuminating carbs, illuminating junk food and just eating my greens.. I know sounds like a war zone and it is because I do slip and who ever says they don't crave or don't cheat is probably not being honest because we all know we love them carbs and greasy foods. I slip more then often lately and trust me my body is hating me very much for it... I am now getting back on my high horse of health freaking and I'm going to ride it out as long as I want, I'm making this a life style choice not a hobby and not until I reach my goal. Yes, I do hear a lot of snarky remarks about me being healthy and such and it Sucks but I use it as my motivation to just keep going because I know I'll be happy and love myself that much more.

Now a days we compare ourselves to others and it's hard not to when all you see is hot models and fit women all over social media but why compare yourself to others... Each women loves different things, each of us have different goals and each of us have different body types. Why not love your body and chose to better it into your own goals and just be inlove with yourself. I struggles at days to wake up and think I'm a foxy women but I remind myself that I am and I can be a foxier women if I really wanted to so I better myself and I make sure I do it for me and not the satisfaction of others.

Anyways I could probably keep going with this rant of how you should love yourself and such but I'll stop here.. what I'm trying to say is love yourself as a person and if you dislike something change it life doesn't give you limits! Please follow me and my journey I'll be posting progress stuff as I go because I know it will help motivate me and hopefully help motivate you guys as well.

Here are some progress shots ;)

this is me today !!  Down below :)


  1. I am SO proud of your progress bubba! You look so amazing! Not only are you beautiful on the outside but your beauty is skin deep. You are so amazing and I am so happy that I have been with you on this journey of yours! I love seeing how much you have grown and how much our friendship has blossomed!!! Love you like crazy xo

    1. Thanks love for keeping me Pure and positive always.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow Mena! This is amazing, you go girl! Honestly, I don't even remember you being bigger last year. I've always thought you were slim, healthy and most of all BEAUTIFUL. But this just goes to show how we perceive ourselves versus how people perceive us. You're rocking it though girl, it's not a diet or a workout regime, it's a lifestyle change and that's the mentality you need to stick with! Keep it up :)

    1. Thank you for the kind words kyleigh thag was super sweet and very up keeping for me especially since I've been feelings pretty crappy. I will keep it up and yes it is a life style and it's a life style I'm choosing to keep :)
