Sunday, March 23, 2014

Over the hill but forever young.


Probably wondering why my caption is over the hill huh ... don't worry its not about me .. I'm still young at least I'd like to think.

Well this weekend was my dad's 50th birthday celebrations and it was a blast of friends, family and cold drinks. We planed a surprise Las Vegas themed birthday filled with fake money booze and good food( Spanish food ;) .. My dad being 50 is a big deal for my sister and I .. wait have I mentioned I have a sister ? Well If not I  do she is 16 and a character we shall say. Anyways so we have been waiting for this big birthday for ages reason being is my dad never ever wants to get old so as kids we always poked fun at him and him becoming 50 .. you know how people claim.women minimize there age? Well that's my dad always minimizing his. So noe that they day has come my sister and I  made sure he never forgets that he is  now the big FIVE ZERO!!

Since it was a surprise party I was on edge thinking he would clue in but thankfully he was super clueless thinking we forgot his big day.. to set up this littleas vegas theme we took at least half a day to set up and it was well worth the soreness and cuts of putting up decorations because when I saw his face of happiness when he walked threw the doors to a crowd of people screaming SURPRISE! It honestly melted my heart to know he felt loved and important. Ohh goodness I love my father so much he always keeps me laughing and giggling. My dad is the man who cracks me.up when im at my lowest days, he always helps me when i am in need and teaches me how to be an independant women, I have no clue were I would be with out him today. He deserves the world and I'm so thankful for everyone in his life who dreads as much love towards him to show him how important he is in our lives. Happy birthday papi :) you my number one !!! 

Love you papi.

Ohh the good stuff !!!

Here are some fabulous photos of our Las Vegas swaray ;)

^ my dance partner always 

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