Monday, April 28, 2014

30 day failish?!

So remember how I was all about 30 day shred and keeping it up, we'll that didn't last long because I got bored hahaha I have come to realize that me and work out videos don't mend to well together. I'm more of a runner and doing my own work outs kinda gal. So I lasted two weeks and I went to new york then came back and tried to get back into it but I just couldn't. So I took advantage of this awesome weather we have been having and have began running again. Today I managed to do two and a half laps around my old high school  track !! Which is awesome considering I am not the best at this whole running for miles kinda gig.  I have been working hard on my legs, my arms and my stomach .. so hard that it kills to walk up stairs but that's just a sign of me getting that much closer to my happiness! Working out makes me feel good and gives me time to my self and to be happier with life... it's my medicen to happiness.

Oh ya so awhile ago I completely cut out my carbs and I lost slot of weight and lately I've been cheating a lot and eating carbs like it was going out of style but after I came back from my trip I said enough of this I didn't work my butt off to get back to were I was.. so I am on day 5 of NO carbs ;) pretty good if you ask me the first couple of days though I was in withdrawal mode. I kid you not I had headaches and I felt bloated but now that that's over and dealt with I am happier as can be and I feel a lot more energized!  Yay to healthy living and taking care of myself. You only get one chance and one body so choose what yiu fuel your body with because it's your temple only one your going to get :)

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