Friday, April 11, 2014

The city that never sleeps.


Guess what ladies and gentleman I am off to the big apple, the big city, the city that never sleeps.. the place everyone comes and goes as they please to see the lights and the busy city life. I personally have never been to this lovely city so many speak so high of but after months and months of planning as well as pushing my vacation back a few weeks I am finally going to see the city lights we all call New York City!!
I am in a moment of "awe" as well as excitement that the day has come that I am actually going. I've only seen new york in movies and I don't know what to expect... it's probably not like the movies nor like the photos I've seen of my fellow new york bloggers posting all over instagram but all in all I'm beyond excited to finally say I've been there and I've done this and I know what your talking about when you say you love new york.

Enough of my excitement!

I am going with my farshad this will be an exciting experience for us considering we have both never gone away together on our own.. well out of ontario, and we both have never gone away alone with a partner before so it should be a fun and new experience... man I am all types of excitement right now ! We leave next week so my count down starts today!

New York I'm ready ;)

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