Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Country style.

Sometimes you just need a mini get away, away from the city life. I did just that these last few days I got to go to a deserted small town in the middle of nowhere with no cell phones, no computer and no social media with the family of course and it was pure bliss. I am currently on my way back to Toronto and am deadly bored in this 3 hour card ride so why not blog about my lovely family outing!

We went to my step fathers cottage in scone, which once upon a time I disliked going to as a teenager.. Looking back now I realize I was missing out, but I guess seeing how my little sister complained about how bored she is and that there is no reception is probably my exact reasons at the time as well, I guess you can call me an old woman for actually liking a break from the world. I enjoyed it very much my step brothers came down for a couple days and we drank, drank, drank ... oh and got a little intoxicated but isn't that what vacations are for? We played drinking games, I rode the ATV which is a breath of freedom... it's something about driving fast up a dirt road that really gets my heart pumping,We shot around the BB gun in our own targets we made our of pop cans ( I'm pretty good if I must say with my aim ). My boyfriend actually came down a few days after me and we took him on the ATV in mud trails ( he did look like at one point he thought his life was going to end)  but let's just say he then did fall just as in love with the ATV as I did, but only if he is driving. It was a great experience to show him the country considering my boyfriend is a city slicker. I was able to open his eyes to the world of getting dirty and shooting the crap around, which 12 years ago or so my eyes were open to this world as well by my step dad and his boys.

From staying up at 4 am,  showering in the lake, sitting around the fire, and getting bit by far to many mosquitoes this mini trip was worth a million words. It's always a great time to be with family and loved ones.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had so much fun! I'm so jealous :) love ya xo
