Friday, July 25, 2014

Curiosity of being curious.

So have you ever just gone threw Instagram and Facebook and thought man oh man that person lives a good life!? Well I know thay  I do and I know that a few of my friends do as well. Actually my friend and I were talking about how blind sided photos can be, we look at them to a day to day bases and always only see positive things and the glamour in people lives. I guess it's true what they say "looks can be desiving" ... well now I think to myself do people look at my blogs and my social media and think the same as I do about them ?? Hmm... it's crazy how over the years social media really has taken a turn for the "To much information" aspect. People take selfies (take photos of themselves) which im guilty of and i find super interesting to watch others do and i wonder why we do it but we do.. really not sure how it came to surface but whoever invented the selfie Good trending bud.. anywaya also we post photos of random things, write rants on life (as I'm currently doing right at this second), and we just feel the need to share things with others all the time. Am I the only person who takes a step back and thinks wow this world has changed way to much!!?

Well if anyone is reading this know that I'm guilty of it all as well, actually probably lyrics super guilty at days but  I just felt the need to share my curiosity on this subject.

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