Thursday, October 9, 2014

Blooper bloopers in my everyday life.

While on the subway today while people watching, yes I people watch. I mean it in a way wherw I find it so interesting how everyone lives their own lives and we all go on our ways to different activities that make us who we are everyday, but yet we are all living in the same city with such similarities. Crazy isn't it? off topic but needed to share my train of thought.

Well .... while people watching on my way home I had a light bulb moment! I figured since I am such an entertainment, well kinda. Since I do,do my fare share of stupid things in my everyday life and  I Crack up alone about them, why not entertain my readers on my "blooper" moments In my life.

Introducing  blooper one of the many.. a few nights ago something happened yet again but this time it made me laugh a little harder then usual. I am a restless sleeper, I was partically asleep and turned over to my right shoulder and I  opened my eyes to find my boyfriend just waking up. As he  glanced over at me,I kid you not I jump in fear with a gasp of air as though someone as scared the living day lights out of me. I manage to fall back asleep every time but this time when waking up I laughed pretty hard because I thought to myself my poor boyfriend probably thinks I don't like him.

But the case is I just haven't gotten use to being on my own yet that I sometimes dream that I still live with my family in my old teenage room.  So when seeing him in my bed when  waking out of a dream like that it is a SHOCK!

So Hilarious that I continue to have a good laugh of this blooper and it happened about 3 nights ago.

Welcome to my blooper moments in my life.

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