Friday, October 3, 2014

Nothing Gold can Stay.

Ever wake up in those moods were you don't want to get out of bed, or talk to anyone?

 Not saying that you're wake up in a bad mood but you wake up in such blissful peace that you don't want anyone or anything to ruin your mood. I woke up like that today I have been in bed for a few hours now and I have no motivation to move. Unfortunately for me I have this thing called "a job" and it requires me to go in to work and make money so that I can afford this bed that I have in my place where I choose to sleep in and not want to get out of.

Why do beds have to be so comfortable? honestly I don't know anyone that sleeps and says damn I cannot wait to get out of bed ? sleeping isn't a chore for me that is for sure I enjoy my sleep, actually I find that I enjoy my sleep a lot more when I'm about to wake up. I usually  think to myself just a few more minutes, close my eyes prepare myself to get my feet on the floor, stretch and open my eyes to the sunlight. In fact those few more minutes are probably the best few more minutes in my sleeping pattern.

I Wright this all while I am in bed with a cup of tea bundled up in the most amount of clothing anyone could wear and two blankets. I swear I am not sick I'm just having one of those wrap me up so warm stay in bed forever moods.  Window wide open so I can feel the breeze against my face like I am actually outside, and only hearing the noise of the honking cars and sirens passing by. I have been like this for hours and I wish my day could end like this today.

One of those days with one of those moods, blissful peace. What's the term "Nothing gold can stay" Pony boy you understand the struggles of having to get out of bed.

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