Monday, October 20, 2014

I hear wedding bells.

No its not me with the wedding bells are coming for,that day will come soon enough I'm sure. For now the news of love are out for my best friend in the whole world Kathy aka thedaintykat and her partner in crime Brent. Who got purposed to last weekend, She is finally a FIANCE to an awesome guy who I am quite fond of, he is a real catch and great guy who makes her smile and keeps her grounded. They are both such an adorable and inlove couple that it makes you want to yell " GET A ROOM!!" I mean this in the most loving way :)

They have been together for 5 years and I've known her for about two of those many years. Her and I just recently clicked to being the best of friends, sisters, hubba & Bubba and mother daughter hahahaha.  She is my mom the responsible one who teaches me the good and the bad. Kathy is a kind soul who deserves the happiest of happiest engagements and wedding day. I am so glad to be apart of this journey with her and her hubby. To anyone who knows her personally or even just a stranger that just meets her will know this woman has talks your ears off about wanting to get a ring on her finger not for the sake of the ring but for the sake of wanting to have a man like brent to be her forever and always.The day has come finally and i have nothing but butterflys and tears of joy for her. But Now what shall we talk about since you engaged ?

let the savings and tears of joy begin. Let's get you married kathy to the man of your dreams.

Love you both.

1 comment:

  1. You are the sweetest babe! I am so excited... this journey is going to SO fun! Now that I'm engaged, we'll talk about the wedding but once I'm married I have no idea what we'll talk about! haha love you dearly bubba, thanks for being my best. xoxo
