Sunday, November 9, 2014

Cliche but I'm feeling 22

Now that my birthday weekend has come to and end I have time to share my most memorable and amazing stories with you all. Well to those that read my posts, Friday was my 22nd birthday and this year out did every birthday in my past. I got ready to go out to dinner with my boyfriend and when he came home he had told me there is no dinner but in fact he planned a party for me. Knock after knock at the door friends from Toronto came and even friends from cambridge/kitchener came. I was overly emotional that my anxiety level were threw threw the roof. I have never in my life had a surprise party planned for me and it was the best experiance in history. To know so many people love you enough to keep a secret of greatness from you means so much, because in the end they all came together in one room and celebrated my birthday. I couldn't  ask for a better day and a better boyfriend.

Saturday my family came over to celebrate my birthday which was very loud, enjoyable, and memorable. I love having my family over in one room it calls for great memories and laughs.

The amount of love I felt this weekend made realize how many great people I have in my life. Thank you everyone for sticking by me threw this year of moving and transition in my life. I am so blessed with all of you in my life.

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday sugar bear! Glad you had the best one yet, heres to more! xoxo
