Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Jingle bells

First snow fall of the year and can I just say how thrilling that is. The white snow flakes drizzling down to earth to make a beautiful snow wonderland is blissful beauty.

I was inside stuck doing homework but seeing the snow fall while I focused just felt peaceful, I actually enjoyed my homework, and bonus I finished it.

Snow falls call for hot chocolate, cuddles by the fire, ginger bread anything and cute cozy pj's.. now doesn't that sound merry ?!

These past few days I spent convincing my boyfriend that it's not to early to decorate the house for Christmas, some may argue with me but its my favourite time of the year and I want to have beautiful lights, santa and snow for as long as I can.

So why not start now :)

This year is my first Christmas in our own place in toronto and it is so far going well. I got to decorate the way I wanted to, I got to pick the tree decor and make our place look like Christmas vomited all over my home.

Bright lights, tacky colours and miss matching decor is what Christmas is all about.

Happy soon to be holiday everyone and enjoy the bright lights :)

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