Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Student life at its finest.

Sometimes I think to myself why did I go back to school? And than I have my inner conscious saying to get a good job that you love in the future DUH !
 I should be grateful to even get the opportunity and chance to afford an education, but I'm finding it hard to repeat this in my head while I'm reading a paper and writing an essay. Sometimes we just get so caught up in the overwhelming path of life we forget how fortunate we are to have what we have.

But really.. don't you ever just find it so hard to focus on that goal when so many obstacles present themselves to you when trying to reach that future degree. Well I am in the that Plato in my education, I am finding it more then hard to remind myself that it will pay off one day and that I have to keep on hoping in order to succeed in what I want. I know that this is the place for me and wheat I want as a career but I'm finding it so hard to see the shore line when I am so far back out in the sea. Exams re coming quicker then expected, can you believe that we are so close to Christmas break already? Like I mean look at this in about 50 days Christmas will be here and then I'm off to my second semester of school. I feel like it was just yesterday I was back to school shopping and actually thrilled to be in school. Not to say I'm not thrilled to be in school now but I am finding it hard to enjoy it when I have three essays and one major assignment worth 45 percent of my mark on the line.

Where is my motivational push, life? That nudge that  I need to know it will be okay and that I am going to make it to fourth year and get that degree my family and I have been dreaming about? 

Got to kick my butt into gear and know there is a shred line and light at the end of the tunnel may take awhile to see it but I know its there somewhere.

Sometimes I wish I was one of those people who can shut the world out and just focus on school, I am sure I can be that way and I'm just choosing not to be.


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