Tuesday, December 9, 2014

A new year all about ME

So the holidays are here, how exciting!

This year is going to be a new one for me instead of the tradition christmas I usually have with family. I am taking it to the boyfriends side of town and going to a Persian reaturant with family and celebrating his moms birthday as well as Christmas of course. I am very thrilled to be on the other side of celebrations and the new experiance.

So since new years is coming around I have put a lot of thought into what I want to accomplish in 2015. I won't be setting out any goal like losing weight, cutting out foods, or something unrealistic to myself. I decided this new year is going to be a goal of "ME". I don't mean it as a self revolving goal or a selfish one, but I mean it as a focus on myself and what I want. Examples: working hard in school for my needs as a student, feeding and taking care of myself for my own health, making myself happy etc... You get the flow?

I believe its a realistic goal. I want who ever reads this entry to take into consideration your needs and happiness for the new year.

Let's make this year about YOU & ME.

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