Monday, January 26, 2015

When life gives you lemons?

They say when life gives you lemons you need to use those lemons to make lemonade. Well I've been thrown a bucket of lemons these past months. It has been hard to bounce back from these bruises. I do know that I am slowly making lemonade and soon it willl taste like bitter sweet lemonade.

Through this experiance I have learned it's okay to cry, its okay to have a pitty party and it's for sure okay to be negative and upset when these rotten lemons are thrown your way. But there does come a time you need to drink this bitter sweet lemonade and realize it's life and God has a plan for us all. If my plan is what it is right now then I need to cope with it and fight it. I need to choose to make it into something worth over coming. I'm not saying it's going to happen over night, because lord knows it won't but it will happen in time and when ready.

Positivity is a choice and a job on its own. A very tough unpaid job but it does give great benefits. I know I do preech positivity and I guess its always easier said then done. Trust me I've realized this all in a matter of a few months, but in life you use that lemonade you have made and wash down all the tequila shots you have taken with all that negativity. What goes in must come out right? So negativity in and positivity out.


Its a bitter sweet thing truthfully, but it is doable if you chose for it to be doable.

So on that note remember God always has a plan for us ( if your religious) and if your not, then remember the light will come soon. Sometimes it just takes awhile to get there and its okay to take your time to get there. But be sure to get there !!

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