Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Good read : relationships

Read me:

This link above has changed my whole out look on love, passion and relationships. I am a woman in a almost year long relationship who lives with her boyfriend and have my moments were I could just " kick his butt" for the days we argue or the days we fight. It's healthy though we all fight and for those who say they don't, give me a break.

This article had a saying that stuck with me " if you don't fight then your not really in love " ... not to say being inlove only means you fight but fighting is just a healthy thing in a relationship. When you fight it just means you Truely love one another to fight for eachother or display passion. Infatuation always comes first the stage of false hopes and the stage of winning one another over. Then comes the storm of passion and comfort. It's a beautiful thing really its the bump you either ride out or the bump that breaks you. Most are fortunate enough to ride it out and I am thankful and fortunate enough to have found that man who has guided me through those many bumps. Yes, most can judge my relationship of what they know  but at the end of the day what I have and feelings we share is passion, true love and support in one another. I wouldn't have it any other way because I know he has seen me at my worse and has accepted me at my best.

Relationships they are tricky things and come with many stages it's who you are with and if you walk towards those stages together and  follow through with them that matters most. Another quote stated " that person you are with because your verbal punching bag" I found this humorous because it's accurate. So many only share the good never the bad, because of fear of judgment which I understand. I am not supporting verbal or harmful relationships but healthy fighting is healthy and needed to keep a relationship strong. Many may disagree but I know for my relationship it has brought me more inlove and more passionate then ever before. I would never change it for the world.. plus who does love making up ;)

Love is love,passion is passion, fight for your love and passion.


Friday, February 27, 2015

Loving yourself

The struggle to love your insecurities and love yourself the way you are is something many struggle with. Heck! I struggle with it daily and I still have moment where I feel unpretty and I feel over weight. I see inspirational quotes everywhere and I hear inspirational voices being said, they change my mind for that while to believe that I am beautiful. They make mee feel in control of my views.
I am not saying it's only hard for woman to feel beautiful but for any gender really. We all want what other have and we all apeal to shiny beautiful things. Daily we log onto social media websites to feel connected, displayed are photoshopped/edited photos of people from all ofver the world. Media has killed the word beauty and defined it as something that can be made and edited as oppose to something someone feels internally.

I am not saying that it is all in the hands of social media but they do not help our mind sets. We as a team need to understand that we are worthy, we are beautiful and we define the real life of beauty. I am exhausted of feeling un worthy of my skin and insecure of my flaws. I am making it a priority to feel beautiful inside and see myself in the mirror as beautiful. Isn't it in order to show true beauty you need to feel it. Don't you need to love yourself before other can love you and don't you need to feel good to enjoy life. Isn't that what true beauty is ?

I'm sayin that as a team as one, I am making a stand to accept my flaws and be happy in my own skin and look back at my accomplishments not my struggles. To look at myself as my own person and myself as art in this world, I am different, I am me and that is what beauty is. Not an application to fade out my scars, my flaws or my identity.

But all in all do what makes you feel beautiful and strong.

Rant done.

Monday, January 26, 2015

When life gives you lemons?

They say when life gives you lemons you need to use those lemons to make lemonade. Well I've been thrown a bucket of lemons these past months. It has been hard to bounce back from these bruises. I do know that I am slowly making lemonade and soon it willl taste like bitter sweet lemonade.

Through this experiance I have learned it's okay to cry, its okay to have a pitty party and it's for sure okay to be negative and upset when these rotten lemons are thrown your way. But there does come a time you need to drink this bitter sweet lemonade and realize it's life and God has a plan for us all. If my plan is what it is right now then I need to cope with it and fight it. I need to choose to make it into something worth over coming. I'm not saying it's going to happen over night, because lord knows it won't but it will happen in time and when ready.

Positivity is a choice and a job on its own. A very tough unpaid job but it does give great benefits. I know I do preech positivity and I guess its always easier said then done. Trust me I've realized this all in a matter of a few months, but in life you use that lemonade you have made and wash down all the tequila shots you have taken with all that negativity. What goes in must come out right? So negativity in and positivity out.


Its a bitter sweet thing truthfully, but it is doable if you chose for it to be doable.

So on that note remember God always has a plan for us ( if your religious) and if your not, then remember the light will come soon. Sometimes it just takes awhile to get there and its okay to take your time to get there. But be sure to get there !!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

A new year all about ME

So the holidays are here, how exciting!

This year is going to be a new one for me instead of the tradition christmas I usually have with family. I am taking it to the boyfriends side of town and going to a Persian reaturant with family and celebrating his moms birthday as well as Christmas of course. I am very thrilled to be on the other side of celebrations and the new experiance.

So since new years is coming around I have put a lot of thought into what I want to accomplish in 2015. I won't be setting out any goal like losing weight, cutting out foods, or something unrealistic to myself. I decided this new year is going to be a goal of "ME". I don't mean it as a self revolving goal or a selfish one, but I mean it as a focus on myself and what I want. Examples: working hard in school for my needs as a student, feeding and taking care of myself for my own health, making myself happy etc... You get the flow?

I believe its a realistic goal. I want who ever reads this entry to take into consideration your needs and happiness for the new year.

Let's make this year about YOU & ME.

Trapped in an adult body

I always feel as though I am playing house or living a life in the big city were I need to be pintched to wake up.
I always get told I look like I am 16... Which yes it is a good thing, so I'm told.
But when your 22 and your wanting to look 22 its not the best compliment. My friend and I always discuss about how we are tired of looking so young. I want to look my age at least.

Well then a thought came to mind I always feel younger then I am and I feel like people view me that way to. Thought: do more people in this world ever feel like they are playing house or that they are in a pinch me is this real? Or am I the only one.

I guess we are all in this works finding ourself and figuring out how to feel our age or how to do what we are meant to do.

Maybe I'm not the only one.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Santa is almost here

Can you believe Christmas is creeping up on us?! I mean I already see snow flakes falling, Christmas music playing and all the cocoa steaming. It came in such a blink of an eye, but hey I'm not complaining because this is the most wonderful time of the year.

So get your pockets empty and your cards all shinny because it is shopping month. Just because Christmas is around the corner doesn't always mean you should buy extravegent  gifts and get stressed. I take this holiday as a day to love and enjoy eachother company with good food, company and laughs. Keep that in mind when shopping for loved ones. It's the thought that counts people's!

This year my friends and I decided to give gift from the heart on a budget. So if your on a budget like myself here is the perfect gift to give to those you love. I am not the kraftyst but I can when I want to be. So here is a quick and easy gift idea I was inspired by ohitslovely blog. Here are the step into creating the perfect custome made mug.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Jingle bells

First snow fall of the year and can I just say how thrilling that is. The white snow flakes drizzling down to earth to make a beautiful snow wonderland is blissful beauty.

I was inside stuck doing homework but seeing the snow fall while I focused just felt peaceful, I actually enjoyed my homework, and bonus I finished it.

Snow falls call for hot chocolate, cuddles by the fire, ginger bread anything and cute cozy pj's.. now doesn't that sound merry ?!

These past few days I spent convincing my boyfriend that it's not to early to decorate the house for Christmas, some may argue with me but its my favourite time of the year and I want to have beautiful lights, santa and snow for as long as I can.

So why not start now :)

This year is my first Christmas in our own place in toronto and it is so far going well. I got to decorate the way I wanted to, I got to pick the tree decor and make our place look like Christmas vomited all over my home.

Bright lights, tacky colours and miss matching decor is what Christmas is all about.

Happy soon to be holiday everyone and enjoy the bright lights :)